Does Sparkling Water Expire? Know The Facts
Sparkling water — the fizzy drink that turns an ordinary drinking water into something special. But being the curious soul that I am, I had one question while sipping a glass of that bubbling water. Does sparkling water expire? That’s precisely what we are going to find out in this article whether unopened and opened sparkling water can expire.
What Is Sparkling Water?
Sparkling mineral water is also known as carbonated water. It’s nothing fancy. Just water that has been carbonated by getting rid of carbon dioxide gas under pressure. This exact addition of gas is what makes the water bubbly and fizzy.
There is both natural sparkling water and artificial carbonated water. The former is achieved through natural carbonated minerals, whereas the latter is artificially done through heavy machinery at the time of packaging.
Along with its basic form, you can also get flavored sparkling water. There are subtle flavors like carbonated water with hints of fruit and you can also find strong flavors like berry, mint, and lemon.
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Does Ice Sparkling Water Expire?
The direct answer to this question is yes. However, it won’t have any negative impact on your health. Sparkling water can expire even though it has a shelf life that is longer than other beverages. Also, sparkling water has a longer shelf life compared to many other beverages, mainly due to its low potential for microbial growth.
The carbonation helps inhibit bacterial growth, and the sealed packaging prevents contamination. Typically, sparkling water can last 1 to 2 years past the production date if stored properly, away from direct sunlight and heat.
Listed below are the main factors that affect its consumption duration include:
1. Carbonation
Over time, the carbon dioxide that creates the bubbles in sparkling water can escape which will cause its fizz to dial down. It’s usually okay to drink even this kind of sparkling water that has lost its fizz but it won’t give you the same refreshing experience.
2. Packaging
You need to check the condition of the bottle. If the seal is compromised or the container is damaged, the fizz can escape easily which will affect the taste of the sparkling water.
3. Expiration date
Most sparkling water bottles have an expiration date printed on the label. This date is a good indicator of when the manufacturer believes the product will be at its best in terms of taste and carbonation. While the water might still be safe to drink after this date, it may not be as fizzy. It won’t affect your health though.
Can You Drink Expired Sparkling Water?
According to research, carbonated water can be consumed even after their expiry date. The only drawback is that its taste and flavor will decrease if kept unconsumed way past its expiration date.
As someone who enjoys a fizzy drink occasionally, there’s nothing wrong with drinking expired carbonated water as long as it looks and tastes normal.
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How Long Can I Keep Sparkling Water?
Sparkling water does not technically have an expiration date. Therefore, an unopened bottle can be kept for as long as you want. If you are asking, “How long does sparkling water last after opened?”, then the answer is somewhere between 3-5 hours depending on how tightly you’ve closed the bottle.
The bubbly sparkling mineral water can still be consumed after opening without any hesitation. It’s not important that you need to use by date. Even though sparkling mineral water remains safe to drink after opening and way past its expiration date, companies need to mention the expiry date as it provides a guideline for optimal quality. This ensures that the fuzzy drink retains its intended taste and carbonation.
In addition to this, packaging also plays a significant role in maintaining the quality of sparkling water. Mainly plastic bottles have the potential to be contaminated with substances if they are stored for extended periods or exposed to heat and light.
This will definitely affect the taste of the sparkling water. However, it is still safe to consume. So, just make sure you keep the bottle in the fridge as that’s where and how to store sparkling water as it won’t reduce its freshness.
There is no such thing as old sparkling sparkling water. It has a long shelf life and you can consume it even months after purchasing it. Keep it in the refrigerator and avoid keeping it under direct sunlight. Lastly and most importantly, throw it out when it develops an odd smell, appearance, or flavor.