5 Reasons Why Couples Need Physical Touch While Sleeping

Have you ever realised that even after a particularly heated argument, you feel the need to touch your partner’s hand or have some sort of physical contact while sleeping?

It is a common habit that couples grow to develop after sleeping next to each other. It almost becomes like a subconscious routine! In fact, there are psychological reasons behind why you may find yourself going for that touch every night.

Physical touch is an essential aspect of any relationship, and its importance only increases when it comes to sleeping with your partner.

While some may find it uncomfortable or impossible to share a bed, studies have shown that touching your partner in your sleep can have a profound effect on both the quality of sleep and the emotional bond between partners.

Is Touching Your Partner in Your Sleep Normal?

Let’s explore why couples need physical touch while sleeping and how it can benefit both partners.

1. Promotes Emotional Bonding

A physical touch is an intimate act that can help promote emotional bonding between partners. When you sleep close to your partner, you can feel their warmth and comfort, which can create a sense of security and trust.

This can help build a deeper emotional connection between partners and strengthen the bond they share. When partners sleep together, they are also more likely to engage in non-verbal communication, such as snuggling or holding hands, which can further strengthen their connection.

2. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Touching your partner in your sleep can also have a significant impact on reducing stress and anxiety. When you are close to your partner, you are more likely to feel safe and secure, which can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

This is because physical touch releases oxytocin, a hormone that is associated with relaxation and stress reduction. The act of holding hands, hugging or snuggling can also help to decrease cortisol levels, which is a hormone that is released in response to stress.

3. Improves Sleep Quality

Physical touch can also have a positive impact on sleep quality. When partners sleep close to each other, they are more likely to synchronize their breathing and heart rates, which can create a sense of calmness and relaxation.

This synchronization can also help to reduce the number of times partners wake up during the night. The feeling of warmth and comfort that comes from physical touch can also promote deeper sleep, which can leave both partners feeling more rested and refreshed in the morning.

4. Enhances Intimacy

Physical touch during sleep can also enhance intimacy between partners. When couples sleep close to each other, they are more likely to engage in physical contact, such as cuddling or holding hands, which can help build intimacy.

This physical contact can also lead to more frequent and satisfying sexual experiences. The physical intimacy that comes from sleeping together can help partners feel more connected and emotionally fulfilled.

5. Boosts Overall Health

Finally, physical touch while sleeping can also have positive effects on overall health. Studies have shown that physical touch can help lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation and boost the immune system.

Additionally, sleeping with your partner can help promote a sense of well-being and reduce feelings of loneliness, which can have a positive impact on mental health.

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Physical touch is an important aspect of any relationship, and it becomes even more important when it comes to sleeping with your partner. Whether it’s cuddling, holding hands or simply sleeping close to one another, the power of touch enhances the connection between partners.

There is something about having your hand over your partner’s that makes you feel calm and stress-free which is the best way one should go to bed. If you are someone who is not comfortable sharing a bed with someone, don’t like to be touched while sleeping or have never experienced physical touch while sleeping, give it a shot and analyse if there is a difference in your sleep.

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